This much-loved book of nursery rhymes had seen better days. Numerous paper repairs were needed to restore the centre folds of the double-leaves to allow re-sewing. The book was resewn on tapes with a Japanese paper hollow added for additional strength. Matching cloth was used to make a new spine and a new case was made re-using the existing boards. Endpapers were made of Japanese decorative paper featuring flying cranes. The book was re-cased and the original spine cloth glued to the new spine. A slipcase was also made.
The Old Nursery Rhymes: front cover before repair
The Old Nursery Rhymes: damaged pages.
The Old Nursery Rhymes: damaged pages.
The Old Nursery Rhymes: front cover after repair.
The Old Nursery Rhymes: repaired book within new slipcase.
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